Current Rates
- Private Investigations: $95/hr + Mileage
- Financial & Criminal Investigations: $95/hr + Mileage
- Physical Surveillance – STATIONARY (One Investigator) 3 Hours Daily Minimum: $95/hr + Mileage
- Skip Tracing (People Location): $150.00
COURT SUBPOENAED TESTIMONY: Subpoenaed court room testimony preparation is charged at the same agreed upon hourly rate, starting and ending at our office (door to door). However, the rate is $500 for each half-day appearance on the actual day of subpoena. Our half-day rate is $500 for any appearance in the morning and $500 for any appearance in the afternoon regardless of whether our investigator testifies. Our experience is that witnesses, including investigators, can be asked to sit and wait until they are needed – thus taking the investigator away from other work or duties as he/she waits to give their testimony to assist the client. Because of this he/she should be compensated for their time.
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